Saturday 5 May 2012

Thoughts on the 9TH gen musume.


Fukumura Mizuki...

15 years old, has a lot of experience as she was in Hello!Pro Egg beforehand. I think her experience is a good addition in MoMusu. She already gets a few lines and i have great expectations for her.
I dont think she's very pretty but i think she will grow as a person and she already has a solo photobook.

Personality- hmm,, 6/10
Voice- 7/10
Dance- 8/10

I dont know about her personality, she seems confident but not a standy-out sort of person. Well, she dosent stand out for me.

Ikuta Erina.... ERI-PYON.
Honestly i dont like her much. She always striked me as a pouty model like kind of girl. She also got lots of crap because she stated she was an AKB48 fan (Hello!Pro Rivals) and a Hello Project Wota. She dosent really seem like an idol so i dont think she will be very popular.
Reminds me of Iida Kaori for some reason.

Personality- 8/10
Voice- Screamer. 2/10
Dance- 7/10

She has a very high pitched voice and quite an awkward personality which reminds me of my own. Eheh. xP
But hopefully she can drop the awkwardness and become confident. Love that she's a bonafide wota.

Sayashi Riho.... RIHORIHO.
13, very cutee. Already a favourite, seems to be slowly pushing her way to the front. It seems like she only has Tanaka-san to get past now. She actually reminds me of Tanaka but everyone seems to think she's going to be the next Takahashi Ai.

Personality- 7/10
Voice- 8/10
Dance- 10/10

She grows fast and despite having a good voice, its also high pitched an sometimes annoying however i liked it in Silver Idedokei.
You know the song where Sayashi and Tanaka sang the whole darn thing and Niigaki only got to rap. Yeah that one.
Pisses me off sometimes. Anyway..
She's also a nice girl.. maybe a bit smug but tbh she gets too many lines.
No one else gets any lines. Soon enough its just going to be Riho featuring Reina.

Suzuki Kanon...... ZUKKI.
13, The youngest of the 9th generation and the most underrated.
She undoubtedly has the best personality of morning musume.
She's funny and silly but at the right time. Not so much that it gets annoying.

Personality- 10/10
Voice- 5/10
Dance- 5/10

She reminds me of Niigaki. She has a really low voice and gets literally no lines. I COMPLAIN. She must get more lines! You cant just put people in and give them nothing to sing.
I hope she goes far and dosent end up like Gaki-san. Gaki-san spent most of the time at the back until she became one of the eldest.

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